Excellent indicators of local environmental circumstances
In a world with an increasingly inconsistent and unpredictable climate, it’s important to observe the state of nature around us. By keeping an eye on things like trees, we can gain insight into the condition of local environment.
Especially trees, which have proven to be accurate gauges of a deteriorating or thriving landscape. Take, for instance, the current California drought. According to a report in the Washington Post, 12 million trees have already succumbed to the intense drought.
Most of the dead trees can be found in the Sierra Nevada. However, given the drought’s size and intensity, guessing how far the damage can possibly reach is difficult.
It’s important to take precautions. There are ways to protect your trees and still abide by the water restrictions enforced because of the drought. For Sacramento area homes and businesses, Fallen Leaf Tree can help manage the viability of your trees during this difficult time. Visit the website or call (916)-447-8733 for more information!